Monday, November 28, 2011

A belated happy Thanksgiving

It is pretty sad when you have a food blog, but no Thanksgiving post. I'm not sure a belated Thanksgiving post has the same luster and excitement as a pre-holiday blog, but it's worth a shot.

This year, inspired by one family's pie-to-person ratio, I packed my Derby pie in a travel dish and headed to my extended family's Thanskgiving dinner.  Though we didn't have more pies than people, we came close enough. 

Along with the pie, I made a quick, easy and delicious roasted green beans with cranberries and walnuts dish I found at Once Upon a Chef.    It was a hit with a notoriously picky crowd and it literally took me 20 minutes to make (I cut my prep time by using frozen french cut green beans). 

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!