Thursday, February 12, 2009

How to fight the dark side of Valentine's Day candy

I am not a hopeless romantic, but I love Valentine's Day. It is the only time of the year when it's socially acceptable to demolish an entire box of chocolates in one sitting. But beware, there is a darker side to Valentine's Day candy: gamble chocolates and antacid hearts. Fortunately, it is fairly easy to avoid ruining the holiday. Don't buy Russell Stover candies (they invented the toothpaste-filled chocolate conveniently next to the caramel-filled chocolate you meant to try) or the antacid hearts (which you should have gotten over after 5th grade). Godiva and Lindt are safe bets for avoiding Pepto-Bismol-filled nastiness. But to celebrate Valentine's Day in all its chocolaty glory, check out:

Artisan Chocolates
I have only tried their chocolates once, but I haven't forgotten them (a more detailed review to follow in the near future).

Artfully Chocolate Kingsbury Confections (ACKC)
I have fallen in love with their hot chocolate and brownies, but have not yet sampled their hand-made chocolate confections. If their chocolate truffles are as good as their drinks, it will be a Valentine's Day you won't forget.

On a budget or don't have time to pick up these chocolates? You can never go wrong with a pan of fresh, warm brownies. Just stay away from the chocolate candy Russian roulette. It's no way to spend your holiday.

Watch Jim Gaffigan talk about holiday fun, including gamble chocolate and antacid hearts.

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